Thursday, 28 February 2013


What most girls worry about: 

1) Weight. 
2) Hair. 
3) Boobs. 
4) Looks. 
5) Makeup. 
6) Him. 
7) Clothes. 
8) Why he didn't text back.
9) Food



[i got this off Twitter]

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


An island 2000km away from the nearest continent, and yet OUR rubbish reach it.

Not inhabited by humans, only birds, who suffer and die beacuase of OUR carelessness...

Watch this video, I cried:


Thursday, 14 February 2013

Hot Springs !!

Alhama de Granada - Hot Springs!

Naturally boiling hot water enclosed in little pools, right next to a freezing cold river!

Cool, huh?

It was around 15 degrees outside and the official Hot Springs was closed. So my mum and I, along with two friends, creeped past the main gate, down a steep little hill and into the Springs! It wasn't very comfortable standing in a swimming costume on a windy day, but when my toes touched the water, my mouth dropped open! IT WAS SO WARM!!!! You know what it feels like when you're really cold and then you have a hot bath? When there's that weird burning when you touch the water? Well, yeah, that's what it feels like over here!

The water only reaches your chest once you sit down, but it's soooo lovely you can't get out afterwards!!

Yes, it was SO worth it driving for that hour through mountains and curvy roads to get there (i get car sick, so it wasn´t a very pleasant journey for me)!!


Alhambra de Granada

Ever heard of it?

It´s a beautiful, Arabic palace in Granada (Spain) two hour drive from where i live.

You can have a look at: 

It´s too complicated to write about it, so here are some pics :)

Isn't it soooooooo pretty?? The only bad thing about it is... you have to walk around for ages and ages and ages and ages and by the time you get back in your car your legs practically fall off XO

Monday, 11 February 2013

Carnival !!!

Fiesta Time!!!!!
Who loves to party? C'mon now, be honest...
How about dressing up? Loads of make-up, fancy outfits, awesome friends...
Yes? No? Maybe?

Well, when it comes to PARTY, I´m in!!

Carnival de Nerja, where i live, everyone, and i mean absolutely everyone (well, maybe excluding the few tourists that aren't up to date) dress up. This year, was a waitress.

I don't think my outfit rocked, to be honest, but i guess it wasn't too bad. My friend and I dressed similarly and both had bright red lips (if you want a long lasting look, try lip-liner for your whole lips and it stays on for more than five hours!!) but after meeting a few others from her school who ruined the happy mood by their hateful attitudes we ditched the lot and went looking for other friends.

'Meet us at Plaza de España at 7pm' was their Facebook message.
And guess what? We waited an hour until they showed up -.-

Plaza de España is the main square of the town, the main square where the disco was supposed to be that night.

We met up with the others, three girls and one guy (all 16 except for me and one Dutch girl who was 13), and as nothing was going on on the square except for the odd children dancing their little silly moves on the empty stage, we went somewhere I'd never expect to be that night.

We ended up on a beach.

We all stayed there until about 11 at night, then the lot went to a Pizza place and i was starting to get a headache from all the noise on the streets, so, unfortunately, i had to go home...

I would like to thank my mum for letting me stay two hours longer than arranged (yes, i was told to go home at 9 on the best night ever!!)

Here are some pics of the carnival, some random people dressed up, a few of me etc...

(people on the parade riding on platforms pulled by tractors through the streets of Nerja)

(my friend and I; yes i know, the outfits are terrible!!)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Movie !!!

Have any of you seen `Abduction`?
Well, if you have, you´ll have to agree with me: it is one awesome film!!

For those of you that haven´t, a quick review...

With Taylor Lautner as Nathan, a normal high school kid finds his childhood photo on a website of missing persons. The problem is he is not missing at all, he is living happily with his parents in the USA.

Along with his (girl)friend he sets out to discover his past and future as they step into the dangerous world of secret agents and where every tiny detail can mean a great load more than can be imagined!!

Not convinced? Nah, probably not. But, tell you what, go and watch it online or get it from the library or movie renting place, or wherever you usually go for films needed for movie nights, and watch it!!!

Okay, i gotta tell you that i am not recommending this movie because i am totally in love with Taylor Lautner. I am recommending it because... IT RULES!!!!!

At least now i know what i´ll watch with my besties on the next slumber party :)

(note: if you decide to watch it, which hopefully you will, lemme know watcha think about it in da comments below)